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Bob Smith
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Carl Nonmember Aron
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joe dhead
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Mary Byers, CAE
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Robert S. Bernstein
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Sean Pumphrey, MSW, LCSW test
Sondra Reis
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Testoning Test
tiffany schwartz
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Tyler Volentine
Val Venable, CCE
Willem Bongaerts
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Yoko Furuya

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Anya Plana-Hutt

Anya Plana-Hutt

Manager of Education

Specialize in education program development. Manage the educational programs for the installer courses, including training, certification and certification renewal, testing, assessments and evaluations, and marketing promotion campaign. Create budgets for courses and report monthly course revenue projections. Train members to become authorized instructors using learning principles for adult education. Help develop curriculum for course manuals with engineers, architects and other subject matter experts. Develop, manage, promote and facilitate live webinars and convert webinars into webinar recordings for continuing education use, which includes webinars for government officials in coordination with a related association. Evaluate and approve continuing education course applications from businesses. Work collaboratively to plan for the annual trade show and run 28 educational courses during the trade show. Plan, promote and organize requests for proposals. Negotiate and execute contracts with program presenters. Make reports and presentations as the staff liaison for the Education Committee at the annual and summer meetings and coordinate task groups. Coordinate membership in and maintain credentials for continuing education courses with associations. Manage the program that supports the association’s curriculum website. Maintain the web-based association management software for database records related to events, courses, certification and certification renewal. Propose, create budget, promote and execute commercial sales course. Researched learning management systems in preparation for budget and implementation of a comprehensive online learning program. Update website for education and certification information. Travel regularly for meetings, education courses, trade shows and site visits. 

Bill Gates

Bill Gates

Co-founder and Chairman of Microsoft


s an American business magnate, philanthropist, investor, computer programmer, and inventor.[3][4][5] Gates is the former chief executive and chairman of Microsoft, the world's largest personal-computer software company, which he co-founded with Paul Allen.

He is consistently ranked in the Forbes list of the world's wealthiest people[6] and was the wealthiest overall from 1995 to 2009—excluding 2008, when he was ranked third;[1] in 2011 he was the wealthiest American and the world's second wealthiest person.[7][8] According to the Bloomberg Billionaires List, Gates became the world's richest person again in May 2013, a position that he last held on the list in 2007. He held the position until Carlos Slim reclaimed it in July 2014.[8][9] As of September 2014, he is the second richest person in the world.[1]

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Bob Smith

Bob Smith

The man

Yes he is

Brian Daniel

Brian Daniel

INTA Speaker

Bio information goes here.

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